Friday 24 May 2013

10 Reasons to Drink More Water

      10 Reasons to Drink More Water

Water is an essential part of your body. You will remember from reading various online health articles that drinking lots of water is one of the top things that various doctors recommend. Keeping yourself hydrated is important for a variety of important reasons. Today, we will be telling you about some of these reasons.

Check them all out below:

1. It is 75% of Your Brain
A lot of your body is made up entirely of water. Yes, that even applies to your brain! If you want to have a healthy, working mind that helps you every day, make sure you drink lots of water.

2. It Regulates Your Body Temperature
Water takes long to heat up and cool down. This property of water helps you out whatever the weather is. Drink cool water in summers and warm or room-temperature water in winters to maintain a good body temperature.

3. It Makes Your Skin Look Young
The health of your skin depends heavily on water. Do you want supple skin that is smooth and looks young? Well, you cannot have it without drinking a lot of water every day.

4. It protects Your Heart
Recent studies have shown that drinking water protects people from fatal heart attacks! This is just another reason why water is the best thing to drink when you are thirsty!

5. It Helps You Burn Fat
If you want to assist the fat in your body in its burning process, then few things will help you out better than water does!

6. It Prevents Constipation
While we might not like to talk about it, constipation can be a major inconvenience! Apart from the physical problems, it brings down one’s mood and makes the day difficult. Drinking lots of water helps digestion and your overall digestive system.

7. It Decreases Fatigue
Do you often feel tired after doing a few chores? If yes, then you might not be drinking enough water to keep your body well hydrated!

8. It Carries Oxygen to Cells
To help your body manage its functions, your cells must have easy access to the oxygen you breathe in. Help out those cells simply by drinking more water.

9. It Flushes Out Toxins
Toxins can have fatal effects on your body in the long run. Here are three words of advice for anybody who wants to flush out toxins from their body: drink more water!

10. It Helps You Control Calorie Intake
Finally, drinking water makes you feel more ‘full.’ This full feeling helps you eat less and helps you battle that calorie intake!

For all these reasons and even more, you should be drinking a lot of water every day! How much water should you drink? Simply divide your weight in pounds by 2. Drink that many ounces of water every day! For example, a 100 pound person should drink about 50 ounces of water every day.

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