Friday 24 May 2013

How to Boost Testosterone Naturally!

     How to Boost Testosterone Naturally!

 If you want to boost testosterone levels naturally then there are many ways to do so. In this article we will examine how to increase testosterone through nutrition, exercise, supplementation and other lifestyle factors. 

 Testosterone is a powerful fat-burning (lipolytic) and muscle-building (anabolic) hormone produced by the leydig cells in the testes of males and the adrenal glands in females. It also has androgenic effects, which means it is responsible for male sexual characteristics. 

 For men, it is important to keep testosterone elevated as much as possible, so any lifestyle factor that can help you increase testosterone levels naturally should be encouraged. 

 It is possible to increase testosterone by stimulating the body’s production of testosterone as well as by suppressing the body’s production of cortisol, an hormonal antagonist of testosterone. 

 Before we examine the various ways to increase testosterone levels naturally, let’s consider the functions of testosterone in your body. 

Here’s a summary of testosterone’s functions:

  • Promotes muscle growth

  • Increases red blood cell production

  • Decreases body fat

  • Promotes male sex characteristics
  •  Since it promotes muscle growth and fat burning it is important to increase testosterone levels as much as possible. Even women can benefit from an increase in their testosterone levels! As long as it is done naturally then they can obtain all the positive benefits of testosterone (i.e. more muscle and less fat) without any of the negative effects (i.e. promotion of male sex characteristics).

     Now let’s examine the various principles you can employ to boost testosterone levels in your body. 

    Nutritional principles to boost testosterone levels

    Use correct timing of your carbohydrate consumption
    The consumption of carbohydrate can have both a positive and a negative effect on testosterone; it is a double-edged sword. Chronic carb consumption lowers testosterone by promoting insulin production, which may lead to insulin resistance and elevated cortisol levels. Cortisol antagonises testosterone production.

     However, periodic carbohydrate feedings may boost testosterone production by reducing sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which increases the level of ‘free’ testosterone.

    Ensure you have an adequate fat intake
     There appears to be a positive correlation between dietary fat intake and testosterone levels in men. Unfortunately though, a high fat intake does not mean testosterone levels will also be high. 

     However, increasing fat intake from a low-fat diet to a moderate-fat diet will have the effect of increasing testosterone naturally. The increase in testosterone is dependent on the type of fat consumed. Both monounsaturated fat and the much maligned saturated fat raise testosterone levels, but polyunsaturated fat does not.

     Whilst a high intake of carbs may suppress testosterone production (by raising cortisol and promoting insulin resistance), lowering fat intake has the most powerful testosterone-suppressing effects.
    Minimise your alcohol intake

    Alcohol also has the effect of lowering testosterone and as blood alcohol levels rise, testosterone levels fall. 

    Increase your protein intake

     Since protein has a growth hormone-boosting effect, and growth hormone has a mutually-reinforcing relationship with testosterone, protein may indirectly have the effect of increasing testosterone naturally. 

    Exercise principles to boost testosterone levels

    Exercise regularly
    Studies show that men who exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone than their sedentary counterparts. Furthermore, older fit men may have higher testosterone levels than younger unfit men

    Keep exercise brief and intense
    The body’s testosterone production and growth hormone production are affected by similar factors. With regards to exercise, a higher level of relative intensity increases both testosterone and growth hormone production. However, as is the case with growth hormone, testosterone levels may be lowered if exercise is excessive. Accordingly, resistance training tends to be the most effective form of exercise to boost testosterone production, but aerobic exercise, by increasing fitness, may also increase the body’s production of this valuable hormone. 

     The body’s testosterone production in response to exercise, however, is more complex than the growth hormone production. Elevated growth hormone production in response to exercise is rapid and immediate, whereas an elevated production of testosterone during exercise tends to be very mild. An increase in the production of testosterone in response to exercise mainly occurs during the recovery period around 5-15 hours post-exercise. 

    Supplementation principles to boost testosterone levels

    Take a testosterone-boosting supplement
    There are a range of nutrients that can help boost testosterone production in your body. However, it is important to keep in mind that not only do you want to boost testosterone production but you also want to increase the level of ‘free’ or ‘active’ testosterone as opposed to bound testosterone (which is bound to sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG) and you want to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen and di-hydrotestosterone (DHT). Therefore, it is best to use a testosterone-boosting supplement that contains ingredients that perform each of these functions. 

     Here’s a list of nutrients that perform at least one of the required functions: tribulus terrestris, avena sativa (wild green oat), zinc, magnesium, stinging nettle (urtica dioica), elk antler velvet extract, and eurycoma longifolia jack. 

    Lifestyle principles to boost testosterone levels

    Testosterone production can also be influenced by many other lifestyle factors including, physical fitness, sleep, stress, and quality of nutrition. Boosting testosterone production itself has a powerful positive influence on growth hormone production as well.
    An interesting and little-known factor that may influence testosterone production is sunlight! In animals, light availability can influence hormone production and length of breeding season. In humans, studies have shown that sex hormone levels are highest during the time of the year when the sun shines the longest. 

    Here’s a summary of what you need to do to boost testosterone levels in your body:

  • Use correct timing of your carbohydrate consumption
  • Ensure you have an adequate fat intake
  • Minimise your alcohol intake
  • Increase your protein intake
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep exercise brief and intense
  • Take a testosterone-boosting supplement
  • Increase your fitness
  • Improve your sleeping habits
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Improve your nutritional habits
  • Get an adequate amount of sunlight
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